I lead horses to water and hold their heads underwater, which is a nice way of saying I teach, or try to.
We consider it a noble battle against the demons of ignorance and undiscipline I'm old and cranky, and this job doesn't
make me any less so. And if I looked like Angelina Jolie, you think I'd have time to do all this knitting? All
that shooting? All this websitery? Draw your own inferences about my pulchritude.
I'm a child of the Northeast, though I've lived just about every major region in the US. And I did
develop a liking for collards and hot fresh Krispy Kremes. However, the draw of the bagel was stronger, so I find myself
on Long Island, which is your typical suburban housing development cookie cutter blandness, but surrounded by water and with
the laziest police force in the US.
What a job!
This is me modeling the latest in Smurf Maternity wear. The strongest
*disincentive* I can conceive of for getting a Ph.D. Beyond the ludicrous employability. Because yes, I have a
PhD, from Chapel Hill (in case the *Carolina Blue* (tm) was lost on you there, Tex), in Medieval Lit. What's more useless
than that? If I knew, I'd probably have a degree in *that* instead.